Battery Life Calculator

Battery Life Calculator Overview:

The Battery Life Calculator is a handy tool for estimating the runtime of a battery. It allows you to calculate how long a battery is expected to last based on its capacity and the amount of current consumed by the circuit. The formula for this calculation is:
Battery Life= Capacity/Consumption

Understanding the Components:

Capacity: This refers to the storage capacity of the battery and is typically measured in milliampere-hours (mAh). You can usually find this information printed on the battery.
Consumption: This is the average current draw of your electronic device and is measured in amperes (A) or milliamperes (mA).

Example Calculation:

Let’s consider an example to illustrate how the battery life is calculated:.

Capacity (mAh): 2000 mAh
Consumption (mA): 50 mA

Using the formula:
Battery Life=2000mAh/50mA

Battery Life=40hours

In this example, with a battery capacity of 2000 mAh and a consumption of 50 mA, the estimated battery life is 40 hours. This means the battery is expected to last for approximately 40 hours under the given conditions.